How Pixelshire is different to Stardew Valley - Terraforming
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Hey everyone!
We see those pesky "Stardew clone" comments...we do!
So what better way to address these comments than to share with our amazing community what makes Pixelshire so unique!
Cute farming? Check! Gorgeous pixel art? Check! Pixelshire might have a lot in common with cult hit Stardew Valley on the surface, but find out more about the many features and abilities that make Pixelshire a unique experience.
Narrated by Merge Games & Pixelshire Community Manager, Ben, discover Terraforming and how you can overhaul your town from the ground up - literally!
Obviosuly, we're just having a bit of fun here, but want to show off these great features of Pixeshire - stay tuned for our next episode in the series, taking a deep dive into another key feature of the game!
In the mean time, we hope you enjoy playing through the Pixelshire demo!