Console Patches are Live Now!
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Hey everyone,
We’re very pleased to share that the first patch for Nintendo Switch, Xbox & PlayStation consoles is now live!
Here are the patch notes for this update for all 3 platforms.
Console Patch 1 Updates
Console Patch #1 Updates
Fixed an issue affecting save game files not loading, previous save game files should now load again.
Localisation changes
Queen Slime Spawn issue fixed
Hybrid Plants now grow properly
Hay fixed when exiting the barn.
Water collider issues fixed.
Barn not showing
Mount Cloning
Fixed issue with mounts disappearing
Interaction with the NPC who upgrades the slime + tool stops working
Stables are not getting built
Livestock Produce, Refined Materials & Cooking sale values have been increased to correctly profit the player
Swinging a tool by mistake and not connecting with the intended target will no longer use stamina
Sales prices are shown for all items
Stamina use for fishing rods & upgrades and for using the watering can has been rebalanced
Fixed an issue with Planimals disappearing
The bunker should now function correctly
Fixed an issue with crops not growing in the dark season
Fixed a bug where a floor tile can appear on your head when entering the bunker
Application of green slime to crops fixed.
XP gauge now says "MAX" when the player reaches the max XP Level.
Crops are now growing in the dark season
Livestock will no longer disappear from the barn when returning to the main menu and loading your save
Specific to Xbox - there is a known issue with the platform where the game sometimes will not progress past the main menu. We are working with Microsoft to find a solution to this but have a fix available in this patch. We cannot guarantee this will solve the issue for everyone, but work will continue on this particular issue.
Specific to PlayStation - We are aware of an issue where some players cannot progress past the main menu, in our testing we haven’t been able to replicate the issue in the latest patch but can’t guarantee that it is 100% fixed without further investigation of this issue.
There are more updates being worked on in the background. The focus is first on bug fixes, then quality of life and balancing updates.
Thank you for playing, thank you for the patience whilst we bring these updates to you and stay tuned for more.