Time on Frog ISland Sets Sails July 12th
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Hey everyone!
It gives us great pleasure to tell you that Time on Frog Island will be launching on July 12th
We've had so much fun sharing the adventures you will have on our froggy island and we can't wait to set you loose on a quest to fix your boat!
Embark on a spaghetti network of trades with a cast of friendly, froggy locals!
Check out the brand-new release date announcement trailer
Wishlist on Nintendo Switch (US)
Wishlist on Nintendo Switch (UK)
Can't wait to get your froggy fix?
Don't forget to you can jump in right now and play the free prologue, a self-contained adventure to prepare you for time on Frog Island.
We're so excited to welcome you to Frog Island on July 12th!