Trading Time: A Croak Tale!
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Hey everyone!
Trading Time has gained a subtitle and is now called "Trading Time: A Croak Tale". What's more, we've even added all-new key art showing off the Sailor and the supporting cast of frogs - we hope you like it.
The Trading Time: A Croak Tale Prologue is a small, self-contained, mini-adventure. Join the sailor as he endeavours to unravel the mysteries of a barren island and the wizened old shaman who lives there.
Originally available as a demo at the Steam Nextfest, the prologue has now been updated to include a hatful of achievements. Play through the prologue’s story and escape the island but don’t forget all the extra tasks that will make those achievements pop!
Play the Prologue on Steam now!
We hope you enjoy the Trading Time: A Croak Tale Prologue. Please be sure you let us know your thoughts. If you really like the game, why not head over to the Trading Time: A Croak Tale Steam page and add it to your wishlist?
We're celebrating with a Steam key giveaway for the full game when it releases! To enter, head here
The giveaway will run from 9PM GMT 13/11/21 to 11:59PM 21/11/21. Winners will be announced on Twitter at 12pm 22/11/21.
Thanks, everyone!